Art Director, Designer, Illustrator


illustrator, designer,

art director + maker

my studio

my studio


Heidi Schweigert

Hello! I’m Heidi - I’m an illustrator, designer, art director, creative thinker + maker based in Golden Valley, MN. After spending over 10 years working as a full-time design director in Seattle, WA (Starbucks Creative Group) and Minneapolis, MN (Little) I’ve been freelancing and running a small stationery brand (redcruiser) for the past 15 years.

I specialize in branding, creative strategy, packaging & product design, marketing collateral, illustration, typography, seasonal collection development, trend research and directing photoshoots. Over the past 15 years, I’ve collaborated with different brands and companies of all sizes. I approach each project with curiosity and passion. I especially love getting to know the heart of brands and companies and creating unique work that is authentic and original.

Some of my outside interests include gardening, farmers markets (my favorite market in the city is the Mill City Farmers Market - I sell my work there also a few times throughout the year), cooking, sketch booking with my sweet little family, hiking, biking (my red beach cruiser), yoga, reading, camping + swimming.

Clients include: Target, Illume Candles, Honeybear Brands, Galison Publishing, Whalerock Industries, Starbucks, Anthropologie, Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, Consumer Reports Magazine, Quatro Publishing, Bon Appetit, Conde Naste Traveler

Please contact me directly
612 968 0256




© 2023 Heidi Schweigert. All rights reserved.